First-Year Success Courses

VCU strongly encourages all incoming first-year students to enroll in a at least one First-Year Student Success course. These courses count toward graduation requirements and meet only once a week for 50 minutes. All success courses are open to all new first-year students, no matter the topic or student.

Here’s why students love enrolling in a success course:

  • Countless topics: check out the lists below - each student is bound to find a topic that interests you! No matter the specific focus, each class provides the same essential information about being successful at VCU, both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Dedicated instructors: success courses are taught by professionals from across the university who are interested in connecting with and supporting first-year students based on their interests, aspirations, and goals
  • Class size and experience: this one-credit class only meets once a week for 50 minutes; most classes have about 25 students in them, making them smaller than most classes students take in their first year. This smaller class size makes for better class conversations and connections with other students.
  • Success beyond this class: national and institutional research suggests that these first-year courses help students be more successful overall: they tend to feel more connected to and engaged at the university, get better grades, successfully progress to their second year and beyond, and graduate faster (and with less debt) than their peers who don’t take a course.


All of our student success courses are listed in the Banner 9 registration system as UNIV 191, unless otherwise noted. Click on a course title to learn more! New courses for Fall 2025 are marked with an asterisk (*). Note: every class listed below may not be offered each semester.

First-Year Student Success courses include:

How to register:

  • To register for our success courses through the Banner 9 registration system, follow this step-by-step video tutorial.
  • In Banner 9, search for University College (UNIV) 101, 103 or 191.
  • There are several schedule options to meet your needs. Be sure to click each page number at the bottom of the screen for a full list of courses and times.
  • Add your success course to your schedule, and you're all done!


Here's what a few of the students who have taken First-Year Student Success courses had to say about their experience:

  • "Great class that really made me discover myself and what I believe in. Thanks for a great half-semester!"
  • "I really enjoyed taking this class and experiencing a space for LGBTQ+ friendly talk and discussion."
  • "Very knowledgeable, and helps nurture an inclusive learning environment where discussion is heavily promoted."
  • "[My professor] was a fantastic professor for this course and helped me acquire useful knowledge in regard to resources and opportunities available from VCUarts. He also did a great job giving us more information about the various majors offered next year."
  • "This class helped me with the struggles often associated with being a freshman, and I was able to take away key techniques to cope with stress and concentration."