Strategic partners

The Office of First and Second Year Experiences (FSYE) plays an integral role in the successful transition and integration of first and second year students at Virginia Commonwealth University. Our office achieves its objectives by working alongside campus partners to engage students in a myriad of activities that promote academic success, social engagement, cultural competence, civic engagement, and career and professional development.

We are excited about our partnerships with the following VCU units:

  • Campus Learning Center: The CLC is committed to providing quality academic support for all VCU undergraduates through tutorials, supplemental instruction and academic coaching services. 

  • Office of Family Programs: VCU Family Programs provides resources and programs that support student success and an inclusive community for family engagement.

  • Orientation and Transition Programs: Orientation and Transition Programs offers a successful orientation program that introduces new students and their families to the culture of the university and provides social and academic integration opportunities that will assist them in making a smooth transition to the university. 

  • Recreation and Well-Being: RecWell was created to bring together two separate departments with the same vision of making VCU a healthier and happier place to learn, work and grow.

  • Residential Life and Housing: RLH provides safe, inclusive and well-maintained facilities to build intentional communities to empower residents in their academic excellence, citizenship and personal growth. 

  • Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity: SAEO is the designated office on VCU's Monroe Park Campus that fosters an environment where all students have equal access to the University's programs, services and activities.

  • Student Financial Services: SFS is dedicated to supporting students through the many financial stages of their VCU experience, from understanding and applying for financial aid to planning a budget while they’re in school and beyond. 

  • Transfer Center: The VCU Transfer Center works with prospective, incoming and currently enrolled transfer students to ensure a smooth transition to VCU and successful progress toward graduation.

  • University College: University College empowers all VCU students to think critically and practice civic responsibility by promoting agency, academic success, career achievement, lifelong learning and active engagement in a diverse society. 

  • University Academic Advising: UAA is designed to help first-year, undeclared, non degree-seeking and pre-health professions students develop and pursue their academic and educational goals. 

  • University Student Commons and Activities: The Commons is the central place at VCU for student activities and promotes effectiveness in facilities, programs, student development and civic engagement. The Commons is student-centered and seeks to attain standards of excellence in all areas of services and engagement.

  • VCU Career Services: Career Services provides career development, career exploration support and experiential learning to bolster students’ experiences with considering career possibilities, pursuing opportunities and making thoughtful decisions related to their professional development. 

  • VCU Libraries: Navigate your academic journey with the dedicated support of VCU Libraries’ friendly staff, offering personalized assistance, research tips, and a collaborative learning environment beyond just books.

  • VCU Writing Center - The Writing Center provides peer-based support to assist VCU students at all stages of the writing process, from brainstorming to final draft.

  • You First at VCU - You First at VCU supports scholarly activity focused on first-generation student success including diversity, underrepresented perspectives, student success barriers (social, academic and financial), new approaches and innovations to enhancing student success, faculty engagement in activities related to the success of first-generation students, and teaching/learning approaches.